Gabrielle Bernstein and I have never met, but on some energetic level, I think we may very well be sisters. We are both petite with long hair. We are both city girls with a background in media and the arts. We have both overcome the inner demons that threatened to rob us of our birthrights (you know, health, happiness, holiness). And we are both writers, with an appreciation for fashion and the finer things in life — but with an even greater appreciation for those things in life that cannot be quantified or monetized. We are both spiritual girls living in a material world. Gabby’s new book (I like to call her “Gabby” as if we are already besties, because, well, on some level, we are) “Spirit Junkie: A Radical Road to Self-Love and Miracles” pretty much says it all.

In the same way that I attempted to lead the way for tweens and teens in my book “Um, Like...OM: A Girl Goddess’s Guide to Yoga,” Gabby does for the older set. Through personal memoir and a modernized interpretation of Marianne Williamson’s A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles, Gabby demonstrates that a life well lived is a life where fear and self-doubt are replaced with love, faith, and unwavering self-compassion.

Elle magazine called Gabrielle today’s role-model replacement for “Carrie Bradshaw”, but I’m not so sure about that; I think she’s represents the perfect balance between Carrie and, say, Krishnamurti. I mean, have you taken a look at her adorable ensembles?  (I'm partial to her high-fashion angel wings get-up).

And yet, it is made quite clear through her words and actions that she takes all of her worldly gifts in stride, realizing that it is not the clothes that make the woman, but rather the heart, the soul, the Self inside. And... isn’t that what a true Spiritual girl in a material world does? Appreciate the material, but VALUE the spiritual.

If she’s a spiritual junkie, well, then, I so am I.  Must be in the genes.

Singh Song Saturday

Singh Song Saturday

Summertime Sole-Seeking

Summertime Sole-Seeking