Singh Song Saturday
Guru Singh <3
For those of you who know me, you know that I now spend most of my days in the beautiful sprawling deserts of the southwest. Those of you in the know are also quite aware that my heart remains in my 2nd city of residence, the city of Angels. Living a busy life commuting between Phoenix and LA for both family and work, it is the rare occasion that I actually get a free day all to myself—no family, no friends, no meetings, no classes—just me and my urban love, the city of Los Angeles (FYI, I realize here that I am channeling a bit of my inner-Anthony Kiedis, circa Under the Bridge).
But on this Halloween weekend, I made it a point to secure a playdate with Poppy and Sha Sha for my lovely 3 year old Emerson Eden, so that I may visit my first and foremost yoga teacher, spiritual guide, and real-life friend, the incomparable Guru Singh.
I met Guru Singh when I was 18 years old and, since then, have been seeing him on a regular basis for the only type of therapy I know which literally UPLIFTS on both a physical and spiritual level. It's calledSahaj Shabd Therapy.
The idea behind it being that we are, on the smallest level, composed of vibrating cells, and, when happy and healthy, our cells vibrate at a higher frequency than when we are not doing so hot. Sound therapy raises our vibrations, thereby creating a shift in both our mental and physical state, and this leads to a chain of events wherein we simply Feel Better.
“Sahaj Shabd is an ancient therapeutic technique using harmonic sound. It was revived thirty years ago by Yogi Bhajan, and taught to Guru Singh because of his affinity with music. Sahaj Shabd literally means the ease of sound. In this therapy the goal is to restore human harmony within a pure atmosphere of natural tones. Among these tones are a steady Schumann resonance (fourth octave), ascending and descending harmonic melodies, phase shifted binaural beat tones and a background of steady and measured heartbeats that entrain the body into deep relaxation.
Shabd Therapy is that it’s able to transport a student into a deep meditative trance almost immediately. During treatment our awareness transcends this physical world. Since doubt and fear are attached to the physical sensations, Sahaj Shabd Therapy introduces us to our more doubt- free and fear-less possibilities.”
A single visit for treatment with Guru Singh costs somewhere around $200 a pop — and trust me, it is not lost on me that I could return to Phoenix rocking a new pair of Pour La Victoire heels or Calleen Cordero platform booties, but when push comes to shove — or, more accurately, when spirit comes to sole, I’ll take a boost in the former rather than a lift of the later. But why, you may ask, when the sacred ascent will be fleeting and the corporeal lift potentially eternal?
Trust me, I’ve asked myself the very same question on nights when I’m getting all dolled up for a date with my increasingly fashion savvy hubby.
But then I remember: when I don’t FEEL good, nothing else matters. I don’t care if I have just won a $5000 shopping spree to Barney’s shoe department (well, it's never actually happened, so I can only imagine), if my deep sense of Self is not cared for, if I am vibrating on a low, barely audible frequency, then nothing else matters. It's the same with eating a diet rich in nutrients, pushing myself to take the yoga class when I’d rather nap, or volunteering when I’d rather visit the beauty salon. If we don’t feed our spirits, what good are our soles? No matter how gorg' they may appear to the naked fashionista eye?
My morning with Guru Singh only lasted 2 hours, but his modalities and his wisdom reset my baseline of operating and, cumulatively, its effects will last forever.
Before we left LA, my hubby walked Emerson and me into my favorite shoe cobbler’s store on Beverly Blvd. Knowing that Calleen Cordero’s are my most favorite kicks, he leaned over and whispered into my ear: “I’m proud of you for all the hard work you’ve been doing lately. I want to treat you to anything you want in the store.”
I smiled and said, “thank you SO much, babe!”
And then, after admiring the hand-crafted goods throughout the boutique, I left—empty-handed—because I was so full of love and gratitude, I didn’t feel like I needed anything more. I guess when your spirit is flying high on the greatest of frequencies, shoes just seem unnecessary.
P.S. And anyhow, I’m pretty sure my closet has reached its CC quota for 2011.
Sat Nam, Guru Singh and Guru Pru Karma.
May the long time sun shine upon you both.