As a Writer, Mommy, Seeker, Sculptor, Shopper, and avid Yogi, my focus is to find a balance between what’s meaningful and what’s material; what matters most and what’s just really, really pretty.
As a Writer, Mommy, Seeker, Sculptor, Shopper, and avid Yogi, my focus is to find a balance between what’s meaningful and what’s material; what matters most and what’s just really, really pretty.
Deep down inside, I'm still a 12 year old girl. Here's one for all of you who feel the same. Oh, and for all of you ACTUAL 12 year old (or teenage) girls — it's a good one.
The perfect primer for yoga enthusiasts, Um, Like... OM goes above and beyond teaching the technique of yoga — it reveals how yoga can help teenage girls face any challenge that comes their way, from dealing with difficult parents to break-ups to the pressure to conform. Written in a hip and empathetic voice by a yoga practitioner who knows all about the ups and downs of the teenage years, this book also provides tips and tricks on how girls can tell their inner critic to take a hike and embrace the girl goddess within. Packed with illustrated yoga poses, real-life teen stories, inspiring quotations, sidebars with FYIs ('Fun Yoga Information'), book and music recommendations, and a glossary, Um, Like... OM is the ultimate guide to yoga-and-life for teens.
“This book is amazing. Evan Cooper knows exactly what every girl is worrying and wondering about and has made yoga work for us! I’ve tried yoga before and it was okay, but this yoga is the best by far. Reading this book can change your life. ”
“Dear Evan, About your book: Loved it, loved it, loved it, loved it, loved it. Oh My God. UM, LIKE…OM was so awesome. I mean, when I saw it I was like, “ugh, another self help, you are beautiful, don’t let anybody tell you different book. Fabulous…NOT.” But my loyalty to the site (and the fact I was babysitting for my year old nephew that was sleeping) won over, and I read it. And I LOVED it. I have been doing yoga for years, but I have never seen yoga in this light. I mean, my yoga teachers teach the physical aspect of yoga, not the emotional, spiritual aspects, and that is totally what like, me and all my friends need. Seriously, if you need a pick me up, READ THIS BOOK and DO THE EXERCISES. It really rocks.”