As a Writer, Mommy, Seeker, Sculptor, Shopper, and avid Yogi, my focus is to find a balance between what’s meaningful and what’s material; what matters most and what’s just really, really pretty.
As a Writer, Mommy, Seeker, Sculptor, Shopper, and avid Yogi, my focus is to find a balance between what’s meaningful and what’s material; what matters most and what’s just really, really pretty.
We aren’t all of the labels and identities we’ve accumulated over the course of our lives.
Throughout the years, my love of fashion has never waned. I’ve been a devotee of Vogue since I was 9 years old, when I worshipped at the feet of the gods known as Espirit, Guess and Benetton.
This is not a one-pair-of-shoes-fits-all type of world we are living in.
Nor is there one singular path we all must travel in order to reach Nirvana or liberation or heaven or whatever your idea of true freedom is.
Spring slipped in and while the desert flowers began to bloom, I wilted and hid. Then, at the exact moment in which I threw my hands up in the air and admitted defeat, I discovered these words: ...when you are sorrowful, look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight. - Kahlil Gilbran.
Paralyzed by my own inability to see "rejection as merely suggestion" as so eloquently and aptly stated by my magical spirit sister Andrea Balt, I was utterly and completely STUCK.
And when we feel as though we don't belong, how to do we deal with those feelings of loneliness or the perception of being on the outside? The recently minted experience of "FOMO" (or rather, fear of missing out) touches on this idea.
The question: How May I Serve the World? has recently become central to my thinking. I'd like to think I've always been a generous person, but the overwhelming urge to GIVE has taken on a different quality of late.
“I was born a human being and that means that material abundance is not antithetical to my existence, but is actually my birthright. And if you’re human — and I’m assuming that, if you’re reading this, you are — then it’s yours too.”