The Princess and the Path
For the past few years, I’ve been completely anti-blog. Mostly because I felt the act would be self-indulgent, a bit narcissistic, and really, a waste of precious time that I could using to write something I might actually “sell” to a magazine, send in to a literary agent or simply stew over, perfecting for future submission. However, in considering the fact that I strive daily to do as the famous yogini, Judith Lasater, wrote: “Living Your Yoga”, I have realized that I must stop resisting change, denying the natural evolution (or revolution, really—its happening so fast) of technology and all that it has to offer. So what if the only person who might actually read my blog is my mom, right? At most, she might pass it along to a few of her Facebook friends (all 25 of them) and a few of mine (389, thank you very much) might enjoy my writing as well. At worst, I’ve spent time exercising my writing muscles, strengthening them for the day I sit down to write the next great American children’s book (my goal) a la Judy Blume.
So here I am. On the path. And I’m not referring to the busy, bumper-to-bumper blog-o-sphere, but rather, THE PATH — meaning the path of listening to my heart, which bursts with the passion to speak, to write, to communicate, to connect (E.M. Forrester, you are my man) over my head, which threatens at every turn to derail my efforts to succeed, which chatters with self-defeatist mumblings and questions my ability, my capability, my reasons for even bothering. But with the start of this blog, I am taking a stand against all intellectual obstacles—that mad, thinking brain of mine—and making a commitment to my SPIRIT.
So what the hell does this mean for my blog? It means that I plan to chronicle my devotion to the spiritual path, whilst honoring my love of the material world. Because I truly believe, that in one person’s struggle to find balance in life, many others can find it as well.
I hope that you’ll join me on this Path. I promise, I won’t ask you to take your shoes off before entering.