

In adversity, show clarity and royalty of positive character. That is the highest achievement.
— Yogi Bhajan

Have you ever been called a “Princess”—you know, in a jokingly, but semi-derogatory way? Or, alternatively, do you call yourself a Princess, in a jokingly, but honestly reverent way, knowing that while you may not be marrying into the Royal Family a la Kate Middleton, you are in fact, worthy of a crown? I guess what I’m ultimately asking is: what makes you feel ROYAL? Or, let’s be honest here, just plain old awesome?

The idea of one’s sense of worth in relation to royalty struck me this morning as I went to the bank to cash a “royalty” check I received from sales of my teenage life manual: UM, LIKE...OM: A GIRL GODDESS’S GUIDE TO YOGA. Now, the book came out several years ago, and at this point, I’m happy if someone wants to read it for free, so the fact that girls are still purchasing it continues to give me hope for the future wellbeing of teenage girls as well as the future of yours truly’s writing career. Thing is, it wasn’t so much as receiving cold hard cash that put a smile on my face, but the fact that in the upper left hand corner of the check, the sender was listed as follows:

Trident Media

I know it shouldn’t matter, but I’d be flat out lying if I said that noticing my check was delivered from the literary agency’s “Talent Account” (and repeating these key words a few times over in my mind) didn’t provide me with a full day’s worth of self-esteem. You know the kind that gets you up and out of bed because you know that someone, somewhere (somehow!)—aside from your mom—thinks you have TALENT. This made me feel like a Queen. Ah... perhaps that’s why they call ‘em ROYALTIES.

Now, it just so happens, the royal wedding between Prince William (swoon!) and the lovely Kate Middleton is fast approaching, so royalty (and its many definitions) has clearly been on my mind lately.

You see, as clearly exemplified by my experience with my royalty check, its not about the name or the money or even, really, acknowledgment from the outside world of your worth (although it never hurts, I know). True “royalty,” grace and poise comes from something deeper than a golden crown or a large bank account (or, if you’re a writer, a small but treasured one). It comes from a deep sense of value WITHIN. And the only one who can bestow that sparkly tiara on you is YOU.

And if you’re wondering how, exactly, to get in touch with your own self-worth or inner sovereignty, look no farther than your bathroom mirror. See that girl (or guy? Thanks, Ben, for reading). That girl was put on this planet to be UNIQUELY and SOLEY YOU. No one else. So do your Raja (Royal) Yoga. Embrace your inner Queen. And get on with your day, Princess.

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