For the past week and a half, I have been doing some serious soul searching (minus, can you f'n believe it, the SOLE searching!! I mean, I literally haven't even looked once! Okay, maybe once...). Post-plagiarism incident, I have been contemplating the more larger issues of:
- SPEAKING YOUR TRUTH at whatever cost.
- A culture that has turned yoga,a sacred and ancient practice, into a secular and highly commercialized popularity contest.
- Our cultural elevation of the celebrity as hero (Or, in other words, our culture's obsession with FAME. Hello, KimYe).
And these are just a FEW things I've been pondering between kindergarten drop-off and kid birthday parties. Not exactly light mental fare.
While I sort out these thoughts and attempt to arrange them into some sort of meaningful and sensical written order (order? what's that?!), please take a look at the blog post that has resonated most deeply with me this past week. It is a piece written by the beautiful and highly gifted co-creator of Rebelle Society (the only "society" to which I'm proud to belong), Andrea Balt, on Ken Wilber, the speaker, author, and founder of the Integral Institute.
Where I have temporarily lost my voice (no, really, I came down with a serious case of laryngitis three days ago. Ironic, right?), she has all the right words.
“Rebellion, as such, is the constant and consistent alienation from any concept, belief system, person or institution that imprisons our freedom and personal power. A daily unsettlement. It honors change and our flowing nature. Rebellion is our blood while revolution is an occasional blood transfusion.”
And it's my guess that until we all become "comfortable with uncertainty" (Pema Chodren), until we learn that REBELLION of the status quo is the only way to PEACE OF MIND, we'll always remain, well, unsettled.
But, man, it's not easy. For anyone. And such is the plight of a spiritual girl living in a material world.